Friday, September 08, 2006

the blog to end all blogs

I’ve been considering writing a blog like this for a long time, and now im going too. This is the blog that knows no bounds, has no limits, spares no person.

Today was a great day but it was made shit by certain people. These people have been making everything shit and horrible for the last two weeks. They are two people. Two people with completely different faces, as in: one day they’ll be all nice, and friendly and the next they’re shooting u dirties, making u feel horrible and being bitches. Cause that’s what they are.

Today when I thought things were, you know, reasonably ok I was sent into –PISSED OFF OVERDRIVE-. Who was responsible, I’m not saying names, I’m not that mean but I will call them for the purpose of this blog – AYC and T-A.

The story behind T-A:

Well… heres what happened, an event triggered me to get really angry and I kinda said some stuff about someone which I figured pissed T-A off. Well ok I’m sorry but T-A can’t defend this certain person’s actions, and I know I shouldn’t have said what I said but I was high on the moment, having fun and being me.

So from that point on weird stuff happened. T-A stopped talking to me, and got even further in this state of angst. T.A. would run away at random moments with someone else, which really made no sense because at that time nobody was pissed off at them.
Then the general bitching started, kinda like, ‘ra, ra, ra, tim this, ra, ra, ra tim that. and it really annoyed me because I didn’t do anything wrong, and T.A. was someone I considered a really, really good friend. Anyway then I noticed how much T.A has changed and how T.A. is not the person I used to know. T.A. has turned into this really mean, self-obsessed, petty person.
And I can honestly say these weren’t my sentiments alone. Other people saw it and said how they were pissed off at T.A. Especially at T.A’s superficial behaviour and antics around other people, two persons in particular.
Neway I did kinda get into an argument with this person, it was just a difference in opinion, about teaching methods, and yeah that exacerbated the problem and then we just stopped talking.

The story behind AYC:
Ok, I don’t know what I did but today AYC went really weird on me. I must have said something that was wrong but neway he’s the situation. Me and Kate talking about this young people’s organization that I am involved in. Kate was saying how she wanted to go on it, and she wanted to know what she would have to do and stuff and I was telling her about how its really good and told her that she would definitely enjoy it because you got free food when we go away and stuff. And for some reason AYC buts in and has her say: “Well I think that’s stupid, why should you get free food when that money could be going to more important things, all you do is sit there at the meetings and eat.” WELL, I was pissed.
Firstly is she trying to say that the young people’s organization people are fat or something?? Or that we eat too much?? Or that the big people’s organization doesn’t know how to spend their money??
It was such a stupid thing to say and I personally think that she is jealous because she does shit all for the community/school and doesn’t get free food herself. Take the music concert organizing group I and others were involved in for example… she and another person came to idolise these certain two people from another school and drool at them, they bitched about how little got done and yet they wouldn’t do anything to help. GOD!
Neway so AYC had a big vendetta against free food at the organization I am involved in, and then acted all hurt and went off for a bitch.
So what did I do, got pissed because they were sitting where WE sit, the spot they left because they hated the people who sat there, and they were bitching on OUR bench. GOD! Hypocrites! Cant they go bitch somewhere else.
Neways I made a huge thing about how they were sitting in our spot when they’d caused all these problems when they ‘split’ and pissed off. I think AYC heard me. But I don’t care and that’s why I’m writing this blog. Because I don’t care anymore.

Although this isn’t really the blog to end all blogs, and it does spare some people and I should be meaner but I can’t, its not in my genetic make-up, unlike some.


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