Friday, June 23, 2006

whats in a group split.

this is a hypothetical situation (i.e. its not happening right now....)

ok maybe it is, im not going to pretend its not cos it is, and i dont care if i piss anybody off by saying this

i sit with a group of peoples. theres like a split though, they all sit together but one half of them doesnt like the other half, and the same applies vice versa.

noone gives a damn about just being nice to each other.

so now they have decided to split, and although im kinda better friends with the half thats leaving i decided to stay because i think that splitting up is stupid. and besides we have a mad spot.

so yer half of the group has gone. firstly im annoyed because i was asked twice what i thought and then they just uped and left, and me being the attention seeker as always, thinks they dont give a shit about me, not all of them i dunno, id appreciate it if we had of talked about it some more. im not going to move, and they're still my friends but i feel like its all changing now because they went and left me.

but im not alone, sarah stayed. theres the other half as well, and we get along with each other better then ever before so i guess thats good.

i dunno, i feel sorry for sarah as well, nobody really asked her about it or asked her like face to face what she reckoned. And now they are all making a huge fuss and being worried about losing her and shit, but they wouldnt have to worry if they hadnt of left, or at least talked to her about it more. Sorry sarah if ud prefer not to mentioned. Sorry to the others if u think this is rude or wrong but its true so neway...

Its so annoying because, i dunno, now the seperation is worse, and people are fighting more. people from the half of the group that have stayed (no offence to them) have kinda became a bit bitchy as well, which is like being the thing ur fighting against really. And the half that have moved are worse as well, well some of them are neway. of course im only generalising but regardless im gunna get killed for it neway, i dont care nemore its time people stopped acting all cloak and daggers and were open and told the truth. like me. and of course this doesnt mean i hate u guys or nething just that im annoyed at whats happening.

lol i just wanted to say what was going on so that hopefully i can look back on this and laugh.


Anonymous said...

HERE HERE...well said

Anonymous said...

being all cloak and daggers aye? So u think that we havent been open about it? ahem.. i think that i have definatly voiced my thoughts and reasons for why we moved. also...
we did talk to sarah about it a fair bit actually.. well atleast i know maigen and i did, even if it was just over the internet. but u cant say we just up and left you bacause, we all asked you LOADS of times if you were coming timmy.
well i ve got nothing else to say.. whats done is done plus i dont want to say something that is wrong and then fuck myself up.
hmm good bye.. u cant say u never thought it was going to happen. there were people who didnt like the idea of the groups even merging werent there?
but maybe im worng

Anonymous said...

but i definalty know i need to practice my spelling

Busothy said...

why did u move then tits? what was wrong with where we you were sitting... come clean on my blog while theres still a chance of redemption...

Anonymous said...

THAT WAS TAME AND LAME MANNN! like the mayor. i thought it was meant to be GOOD. jeez say what you really mean. haha